Life Is Not A Fairy Tale

These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.  John 16:33 KJV

Remember the point in the story of Cinderella when the stepsisters are trying to get their feet into the glass slipper, but the slipper is too small.  The sisters are desperate to make the slipper fit so they can get a happy ending and their lives will become carefree and peaceful; they think.

I have been experiencing a lot of messiness the past few months.  I’ve written about it, and shared how God wants us to fight the messiness of this life with His love.  As each messy situation presented itself, I have tried very hard to show love – His love.

Through one situation in my life, I have come to see (after much prayer and work) that I have been like the stepsister in Cinderella trying to get the slipper onto a foot that is too big, in an effort to have a happy ending.  I worked within the timeframe and wishes of my Father; however, this particular slipper was not a good fit for me and I had to give it back and free my hands of this “ill fitting” slipper, so they are empty enough to be filled with new blessings.

All of this happened at the most imperfect time, as most messes do… the holidays.   On top of that, I had a small health issue that required recuperation time.  So, these last two weeks have been the messiest I’ve had in a long while.

I’m pleased to say that this didn’t send me into a tailspin back to my early grief days.  I’m sad to say that I’ve become good at starting over.  So, as I sat in my family room, looking at my tree and the two gifts under it for me and then, seven days later, sat amidst a large group of happy people counting down to the new year, I was feeling really down…empty…depressed.

As I reflected on this emptiness and feelings of depression, I started praying.  It was a pitiful, woe as me, prayer at first.  Then, I started reflecting on what my Savior has to say to me in times like these.  This world is not my home.  I am a stranger in a strange land, just passing through.  Jesus tells me that I am going to have tribulation and that only in Him can I find peace.

So, I am doing what James 4:8 says, “Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you.”  I am pushing out thoughts that don’t meet the definition of Philippians 4:8.  And I am, from the Savior’s lap, filling myself (the empty spot) with my Savior.

I may not have the fairy tale ending yet and my Savior has not promised me that my life in this world will be easy.  He has promised me so much more.  Peace.  Rest in Him.  Eternal Life.  Sustaining Love.  Renewed Strength in Him.

I don’t need a glass slipper that never fit right anyway.  I have a Savior.  I am made in His image with a hole in me that only He can fill.  I need to focus on filling myself with Him, the Master Designer.  And the blessings will come.  If my hands are empty and I’m looking to the Savior, I will see them and be able to accept them.

God is so good and His ending is better than any fairy tale.  In fact, it’s actually a beginning – the end is eternity in His presence and eternal peace.  I like that eternal ending better than any fairy tale ending.

Dear Lord, Thank you for loving me, for picking me up when I fall, and for filling me.  Thank you for letting me crawl up onto your lap when I need to and for the promise of eternity with You.  Amen 

Archive:  Originally posted on in January 2016