Valentine’s Day 2021

February 14, 2021– Valentine’s Day 2021. 

In all the stores, there are hearts, flowers and yummy chocolate.  The feeling of love is in the air.  I find myself smiling and not feeling intense, numbing pain as I have for so many years.

Ten years ago, I was a different person and in a very different life stage.  I was in Durham, NC, in a extended-stay hotel near Duke Hospital.  I was getting ready to go to the hospital to see my husband in ICU along with our extended family.  I knew that Bill would be leaving us and I knew that Valentine’s Day would never be the same for me again.

Bill and I had an agreement – he had promised me he would never leave.  He knew that was my biggest fear and had promised me he would not go.  On the morning of February 14, 2011, I remember waking from a very light sleep knowing he would die that day.  I knew he wouldn’t go until we had a talk so I thought for a few hours that if I didn’t go to the hospital, he would stay and we would walk out of our nightmare together and face the world as a team.  As the seconds turned into minutes and into an hour and I sat on the floor between my hotel room bed and the window…hiding…praying… pleading with God…I realized that I needed to go to the hospital.

I took Bill’s wedding band and his favorite, soft blanket and made my way to the car and then to the hospital.  I had told our extended family to go ahead and go and I would come to the hospital later.  They were all around his bed – 18 people that we love – when I arrived.  I walked in and gently put the ring on his finger and took the starchy white sheet off of him and covered him with the soft blue blanket and I looked in his eyes.

He hadn’t been him for several days.  We hadn’t talked with words or eyes in days.  He looked at me and he was there…all there.  Love glowed from his eyes and I knew he had been waiting for me.  I knew what I had to do.  I didn’t want to.  I wanted to be selfish and I wanted to control this, but I knew if I really loved him, I had to do what was right and loving for him. 

I whispered in his ear, “I love you!  I don’t want you to go.  If you can stay, please do.  But if you can’t, I understand and I will be ok.  It is ok to go.”  I said it out loud…whispered it…it was done.

He said goodbye and I love you with his eyes to each of us.  I wanted to be alone with him at these last moments.  I wanted it to be just me and him.  I didn’t want to share.  I didn’t want a moment of his eye contact to be on anyone but me.  But again, I knew he loved all of the people in that ICU room and he wanted them there.  He needed them.  He knew better and, in the end, I was glad they were there. 

But, when he left here and took the Savior’s hand and stepped into Glory, it was beautiful!  I am forever changed and I know my Savior lives and everything in scripture is true.

That was 10 years ago.  Ten birthdays – his and mine.  Ten wedding anniversaries.  Ten Easters.  Ten Christmases.  Ten Valentine’s Days. 

So much has changed since that day in 2011.  High School and College Graduations; Driver’s Licenses; and Boyfriends.  We have moved from the home Bill and I shared to a townhouse.  I have changed jobs twice.  I have lost (and found) weight. My dad passed away.  Our cat, Brandon, passed away and we have another cat in the house, Bailey.  I have had three serious relationships that didn’t work out. 

I find myself not in a relationship this Valentine’s Day – 2021.  I’m absolutely ok with that – I am content.  I am where God wants me to be. 

Ten years ago, I thought I wouldn’t last a moment after Bill died.  I couldn’t see myself surviving a week.  I felt dead.  Many moments of the day I couldn’t breathe.  Many moments I lay in bed and just yearned to be in Heaven.  I didn’t care about life or anyone here. 

2021 has already had a lot of laughter and love.  Bill’s family is still my family.  They still love me as though I was born into the family instead of grafted in.  Our major holidays are spent with my family and Bill’s family.  We still go on vacation in the summer with Bill’s family. 

There is life after death.  Joy does indeed come after mourning.  It happens a little by little.  You just have to keep going.  One foot in front of the other.  Sometimes slow pace and sometimes quick feet.  I look back at the last ten years and I can’t believe I am here.  There are days when I miss Bill like crazy and then there are days when I smile and remember how much he laughed and made life brighter. 

I try to live well and love well and honor him!  He loved Jesus and when I love Jesus and love those who Jesus loves, I know Jesus smiles and Bill is happy too.  But, let’s be honest, those who know Bill know he is probably fishing, again, with Jesus.  That’s what he loved to do – fish and spend time with Jesus!

Happy Valentine’s Day to you!  Show someone love and make the world a little brighter!

Finding The Good

By Cristina DiMascio

“It’s all good.”

This wasn’t the first time I’d heard those words but this was the first time I had actually thought about what they really meant. My mom, stepdad, and I were in the midst of a car ride to a friend’s house when we received a call from my stepdad’s doctor informing us that his disease had progressed into leukemia. In reality, everything was not “all good” but it was just like my stepdad to say that in a time like this. He was always finding the good in a bad situation such as the one we were in.

My mother and biological father were divorced by the time I was five years old. Not seeing much of my dad at all after that, I was raised by my single mom throughout my early childhood until she remarried. I was seven years old when my mom and Bill married and, soon after, he became a father figure and someone I looked up to. Bill was a real “dad” to me unlike the one I was assigned before I was born.

Shortly after Bill came into my life, he became ill. His illness started out as something most people would think was the common flu but after numerous doctors’ visits and his unchanging condition, we realized it was not what it seemed. Our primary doctor sent us to a gastrointestinal specialist and a hematologist in hopes that they would have an answer as to what his illness was. After visiting each of these doctors multiple times and post gallbladder removal, they sent Bill away just as his primary care doctor had with still no answer to his condition. I remember thinking that this would last forever and we would never find an answer, but my mom refused to take this “no answer” and began researching Bill’s symptoms and condition. Her research resulted in Bill going to yet another doctor. We went to the top gastrointestinal doctor in the Washington area. After one look at Bill’s file, he immediately sent us to George Washington University, a teaching hospital. He said they were our only hope of finding out what his rare condition was.

At George Washington University Hospital, we found an amazing team of doctors that were very hopeful and, finally successful, in diagnosing Bill. This entire process took about a year and finally Bill was diagnosed with Myelodysplasia Syndrome, which was a rare disease of the bone marrow. Most patients diagnosed with this disease are seventy years or older and get it as a result of chemotherapy treatments. My stepdad was only 39 years old and they believed he got it due to him having a third number-eight chromosome. It was a relief finally knowing what disease Bill had but this was not good news. Now that he was diagnosed, he would need to find a bone marrow match in order to receive a bone marrow transplant that would hopefully cure him and save his life.

Living with Myelodysplasia Syndrome gave Bill a surprise each day, and not a good one. With this disease patients have little to no immune systems, so common colds can be deadly. Bill was hospitalized multiple times while he had this disease for simple things such a biting his lip but since he was living with Myelodysplasia Syndrome and had no immune system an experience like this caused him to have a near death experience. Each time Bill was hospitalized he always managed to make it out alive and well, it was as if he was indestructible.

My stepdad was a service plumber and because of this disease he could no longer physically continue with that job and took a step down in the company to become a fleet manager. His annual salary went down drastically and because of this my family’s financial situation suffered. We came close to losing our house due to foreclosure. With my stepdad’s condition and the fear of losing our house, my family was constantly stressed and filled with anxiety.

Several months after Bill’s diagnosis, we were informed that his disease had progressed into leukemia and that we needed to take immediate action to get him a cure because now they were dealing with treating Myelodysplasia Syndrome as well as AML leukemia.

Hearing the “leukemia” word immediately made me alert. I had heard of other people having that disease and knew it usually resulted in death. I felt that as soon as something good had come into my life it was about to be taken away from me. His doctors at George Washington University hospital advised my family that it would be in Bill’s best interest to find a teaching hospital that specialized in bone marrow diseases and bone marrow transplants. After more research and visits of the different hospitals available, my mom and stepdad decided that Duke University Medical Hospital in Durham, NC would be the best choice for Bill.

In November of 2010, my mom and Bill moved to North Carolina so he could receive proper treatment for his disease while I stayed in Virginia with my aunt and uncle to continue with school. Although it was hard being away from my mom and Bill at such a young age, I visited them several times a month while they lived there.

My stepdad’s disease and low immune system put him in a very secluded wing of the hospital. I remember having to go through three separate air-locked doors to get to where his room was located. I had to wash my hands and put on a gown covering my clothes as well as gloves and a face mask before entering his hospital room. Each time I visited my stepdad, his face was paler and he was skinnier than the last time I was there. Once he began his chemo treatments, I remember one visit my stepdad let me cut all of his hair off so it wouldn’t fall out slowly making him look sicker.

My mother and stepfather’s stay in Durham for the first part of his treatment lasted until early December 2010 and they were allowed home for a three week period until they had to go back to get Bill ready for his transplant. We spent the holidays with family and it was almost back to normal having them home again. All of my aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents came over to our house for Christmas. We made enough food to feed a small army and there were enough gifts to give to the whole state of Virginia. It was as if my world was back to its perfect peace as it once was before. I don’t remember there being a sad moment even once that Christmas.

My mom and Bill went back to Durham in the beginning of January and began getting him ready for his transplant. Saying bye to them the second time was even harder than the first. My family was splitting up again. They had found a bone marrow match that would work for my stepdad and made the arrangements of when they would start the transplant. A transplant takes up to twenty-one days to engraft. Once Bill was given the transplant, the waiting process was grueling. Things were starting to look hopeful to the doctors but just as his condition started to look promising, they then took a turn for the worse. Since my stepdad had no immune system, he got graft versus host disease which affected his GI tract as well as his skin. In addition to graft versus host disease, Bill also had developed fungal, viral, and bacterial infections. As the days ticked by his bone marrow transplant was not engrafting and the doctors said things were looking worse and worse. Hearing this news, my mother and I kept hope that things would turn around. My stepfather once again told us “It’s all good” and I wanted so badly to believe him. Eventually, all of this led to my stepdad’s organs slowly beginning to shut down and his blood becoming acidic, which leads to death. The bone marrow transplant had failed.

It was the morning of February 14th, 2011 when my mom got the call that Bill wouldn’t make it another day. All of my aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents had come down the night before and that morning we all went over to the hospital.  The nurses removed all of the tubes and lines attached to monitor my stepdad’s vitals so we could say a final goodbye. Normally, only two people were allowed to be in the room with a patient at a time but the nurses made an exception considering the circumstance. I remember being in the room and holding my stepfather’s hand as he took his last breath in this life. A smile crossed his face as he said goodbye in his own way to us. I can honestly say that was the hardest moment I have ever had to go through. I will never forget looking around the room at each of my family members grieving in their own way, some crying while others mourned silently. My heart felt as though it was being ripped out of my chest and my sight was all one big blur through the millions of tears falling down my face. I had never felt this way before in my whole thirteen years of living. My mom and I were the last people in the room with my stepdad’s body growing colder and paler by the second. Eventually my grandfather came in to take us home and I remember never wanting to leave Bill, but I knew I had to. Squeezing his hand and kissing him on the cheek, I said goodbye to my stepdad one final time. In that moment all I could think about were Bill’s three words of choice. It’s all good. It may not have been all “good” in that moment but I had hope that things would be again eventually.

It has now been five years since my stepdad’s passing. Going through that experience was the hardest, most heart wrenching experience I have ever had to go through in my life, but from bad comes good.

Living day by day without a father figure has changed my life greatly. My mother and I had to cut back on our spending with only one income to support us now. My mother had to live with being a single mother and now as a widow.  Without the support of family and friends I don’t know how we would have made it through this. Although it does get easier day by day living without him, the ache of missing him never completely goes away.

Throughout all of the doctors’ visits that I tagged along with my mom and Bill, I realized my true calling in life was to become a nurse. I want to be able to make a difference in the lives of others in a positive way. I want to be able to tell people, “It’s all good,” and to mean it.

Many people go through the death of a close family member but not many can say that they got something as meaningful as a potential future out of their experience.

I want to share Bill’s story with my future patients to spread the hope and positivity that he had even when there wasn’t much to be hopeful or positive about. This experience taught me that you can always find something good even in the worst situations. “It’s all good”.


EDITORS NOTE:  Bill was a born-again Christian with a Savior (Jesus Christ) and certainty of his eternal future (Heaven).  His saying, “It’s all good,” is from scripture and is how he lived his life.  Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”

Fear Not

O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt. 

Matthew 26:39 KJV

It seemed like deja vu…I’d been here before…different doctor…different patient…but I’d been here before.  I had heard the diagnosis before; only this time, I know what is coming…I know what will be asked of me…and I don’t know if I’m up for it.

My mom mentioned, in passing, that my dad had a doctor’s appointment for some test results.  I decided to go with them so I could help.

I stood behind the exam table and let my parents have the two chairs in the room.  I was ready for what the doctor had to say.  Except, as the doctor started talking, he used the word “cancer”.  Wait a minute…cancer?  Oh no, I didn’t expect this!  In my mind, I started thinking, “stay calm” and “breathe”!

I remember this word.  When you hear this word, you have to prepare for battle…usually battle to the death or near death.

As I looked to my mom and she looked back at me, I saw fear in her eyes.  She doesn’t want to become me.  She has been in love with this man, her husband, for fifty-eight years.  They spend all day, every day, together.  They are best friends.  They love the Lord, and have created and nurtured a beautiful family who also knows and loves the Lord.

She doesn’t want to become me-a widow.  She doesn’t want to fight this battle.  She doesn’t want to watch her love struggle in pain.  But, mostly, as I looked in her eyes, she doesn’t want to be left behind without him.  She was in the room when my husband lovingly looked into my eyes, took our Savior by the hand, and walked into Glory with Him.  She doesn’t want that for herself, and I don’t want that for her.  I don’t know how to comfort her.  I know I can’t promise her that she won’t be asked to endure this trial.

As I work through these emotions and thoughts, wave after wave of grief spills into my heart.  I don’t want this for her and I don’t want this for me.  How can I support them?  How can I love them through this journey?

Christ whispers, so sweetly, into my ear, “Fear not, I am here”.  I have walked every step with you, these last five years.  I have caught every tear you’ve cried.  I have held you as you grieved, every day.

Christ reminds me to show my mom what I have learned and been shown by others.  In myself I can’t help at all, but in Christ I am mighty.  Share scripture with her.  Point her to Him. Pray for and with her.  Christ is still the answer.  No matter the earthly outcome of this trial, Christ is there.  It will all work out for the good.

So, while we are praying, “O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt,” we know that Christ is working in our lives and in whatever happens, God will get the glory.

Dear Lord, Thank You for always being there.  No matter the circumstance, You are there.  No matter my position, you are always steadfast.  I love You and I know You have great plans for me and my family.  I put my trust in You, Lord.  Amen

Archive:  Originally posted on in August 2016

He Will Clean It Up


Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.

James 4:14 NASB

You owe me $20!

We used to say that all the time when my husband was alive.  We often ate dinner with my best friend, his best friend, and our kids.  Those people were also his sister and brother-in-law, our nieces and nephew, and our girls.  At almost every dinner, whether at home or out at a restaurant, someone knocked over a drink and it went everywhere.  My husband would call out, after the initial shock, “you owe me $20,” and we would all laugh and clean up the mess together.  For the longest time after his death, we didn’t say that anymore.

The other night, I was out with those same wonderful people.  The youngest kid is now 19 years old and we were celebrating our last dinner of the summer before the kids go back to college.  As we sat at our restaurant table, someone reached for something and, you guessed it, a drink was spilled.  Both me and my sister in law said in unison, “You owe me $20″.   For a moment, time stopped and we all looked at each other and almost simultaneously, we all smiled a secret smile as we each remembered the voice that was missing.

It has been almost six years since he left this place and went to Heaven with his Savior.  2,007 days to be exact.  This grief journey has been one of the hardest roads I have ever endured.  For some of the journey, I felt like my heart was missing.  For some of the journey, my heart was beating again, but to a different beat, not as loud or as strong on some days.  I’ve changed, evolved, grown…  This is a messy journey that changes moment by moment.

At the five year mark, I was hit in the face with a huge grief wave.  I am now starting to remember the sweet memories of him and how he made me laugh.  He made everything okay.  This makes me miss him even more some days.  I miss his ability to make me funnier, sweeter, less serious.

There are days when I long for Christ’s return.  I pray for it.  I look for it.  I weep for it.  I’m so tired of this endless journey.  I’m so tired of my heart hurting when I think about all the other family members who lost him too.

But then, I remember how he lived.  When a “catastrophe” hit – like 20 ounces of fruit punch tipped and spilled over an entire family’s dinner – he made it okay and put it into perspective.  From Christ’s view, it is all a vapor.  A moment that won’t be remembered in eternity.

So, I have to turn my view to my Savior.  I have to remember to view this journey from His point of view.  He would not ask me to take this road if it were not for His glory and His purpose.  On my very worst days, when I cry out to my Savior and ask for respite, He holds me in His arms and lets me rest there.  He walks with me through the mess of this journey, and sits with me on the side of the road when I need to take a breather.

It gets easier to live with the pain of loss.  I don’t hurt all the time like I used to.  I’m not broken.  I am a redeemed vessel.

Shattered into a million pieces and now glued back together with the Savior’s precious hands and love.

I still laugh at the kids’ faces when they were younger and we said, “You owe me $20.”  We never collected.  After my husband said that with his serious face, he would break into a smile and say, “Help us clean up this mess before my dinner gets cold.”  And, together, we would make everything okay.

That’s how it is with Christ too!  He can make it better, if you’ll let Him, He will clean it up.

Dear Lord, Thank You for Your loving arms that wrap around me and comfort me.  I can’t imagine this journey without You.  Amen

Archive:  Originally posted on in August 2016

She Has Done What She Could

She has done what she could … And I tell you this in solemn truth, that wherever the Good News is preached throughout the world, this woman’s deed will be remembered and praised.”

Mark 14:8-9 TLB

This scripture verse was one that I read from my oceanfront villa patio while recently on vacation.  As I sat there in my luxurious surroundings, I thought about how the woman talked about in this verse made Jesus a priority over everything.  She used precious ointment, or oil, that was worth a lot of money and she used her own hair to wipe the extra off Jesus’ feet.  That is someone who was all in and someone who knew who Jesus was, made Him a priority and showed with her actions that He was important to her, despite her actions being questioned.  Jesus remarked that her actions would be spoken of as a memorial to her.  Here it is thousands of years later and I am thinking about her.

What kind of memorial am I to Him and to the world?  What mark am I making?  Do people see Jesus in me?  Do my actions show that Jesus is a priority to me?  That He is in my life?

Every day, I wake up trying and I believe Jesus knows that about me. I start my day taking in His Word and meditating about what He wants me to get from His Word.  I work on showing people love, grace and mercy throughout the day.  I try to not react harshly when people wrong me or mess up and my life is affected by the mess.  I  honor the trust and love in my relationships and show love when things don’t go my way or I’m hurt.  I try to pray for those that wrong me and show love to them.  I walk away from relationships that don’t glorify God in a loving way and not leave burning trails in my wake.

If you read this whole section of scripture (Mark 14:3-9), Jesus knew where this woman’s heart was and he commended her and told those who questioned her actions that she would be remembered and praised.  I want to be remembered like that.  I want Jesus to say, “Sherry has done what she could.  Wherever the Good News is preached throughout the world, Sherry’s deeds will be remembered and praised.”

I am comforted by those verses – she did what she could…and will be remembered and praised.  My Savior knows my heart and, even when I mess up, He still knows my heart.  I just have to take the next right step and follow my Savior’s lead.  No matter the criticism and questions.  Do what I can do and let the Savior take care of the rest.   Put the Savior first in everything and when I make a mess, put my whole self into it to make it right and glorify God in the process.

It might take getting your hair oily, but in the end, to hear your Savior say, “you did all you could do – may you be remembered and praised.”  That will be amazing!

Dear Lord,  Thank you for showing in Your Word what we should hold important and what You would like from us.  And that all that we do in Your name will be remembered and praised in Your Name.  Amen

Archive:  Originally posted on in March 2016


I thank my God upon every remembrance of you.  

Philippians 1:3  KJV

As I write this article, it has been 1,797 days since my beloved husband went Home.  I was married for 1,749 days to this beautiful man.  He has been in Heaven forty-eight days more than I had the pleasure of being his wife.

When my husband died, there were so many things that reminded me of him that in order to keep my sanity, I felt I needed to put them all together in a very special box. Then I could go to those items when I needed to and not be surprised by them.  So many little items that make up a person’s life. When that person no longer needs them, they have so little value to the world, but I couldn’t bring myself to throw them away.  For example, his sunglasses and his eyeglasses; his work picture ID badge; his business cards; his deodorant; his driver’s license; his soft leather wallet.  When I open the lid to this very special box, I am transported back to him.  His smell, the little things that made him who he was, his unique print – remembrance of him.

There are other items in that box – letters from the nursing staff at Duke (where he passed away) expressing condolence, the bulletin from his promotion ceremony (funeral), sympathy cards. These items remind me that this really did happen. I had the most beautiful life and God asked me to take a knee for Him. I probably won’t know why on this side of Heaven, but these items remind me of those dark days after he left this earth.

I went to this special box so many times in the early days following his departure.  I would fall asleep in the midst of all of the items on my bed, longing for a different ending.  I have also recently learned that my daughter would go into my room when I was not there and open this box and go through the things in it as well.  As the days of the calendar have ticked off, I don’t go to the box as often.

Tonight, I opened the box for the first time in a long time and his beautiful smile wafted through my mind’s eye.  His lovely voice and its cadence when he called my name came to memory.  The glasses, soft wallet, work ID badge all brought to mind the many nights he took those items off as he readied for bedtime and they sat watch on his nightstand.

My life has purpose and I mean something to the Savior.  He knows the number of hairs on my head and with His very hands, He molded my heart and created my soul.  He knows how much it hurt me to ask me to let go of my husband’s hand and to walk into a future without him.  He knows as I go through his belongings how much my heart longs for that companionship and love.  He knows that I also know all things work together for good and I am not to lean on my own understanding but to trust in Him.

So, as I remember my husband and honor his life and love of Christ; I am also looking forward to the purpose that God has for me. His plans are good ones.  He loves me and calls me to remember but also to walk forward.  I encourage you to walk with me.

Dear Lord, Thank you for allowing my life to cross with my husband’s life.  I am better for it!  Thank you for allowing me to have wonderful memories of our time together.  Thank you for loving me and for walking with me each step of this journey and for providing beautiful sisters as traveling companions.   Amen

Archive:  Originally posted on in February 2016

Love Lessons

A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another, as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.  by this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

John 13:34-35 (KJV)

They will know we are Christians by our love.

My latest course in God’s “love lesson curriculum” has been learning to love people.  I thought I knew what love looked like and felt like, and I always thought I was good at love.  I even learned sacrificial love as I walked my husband Home.  I thought I had “love” down…no further lessons needed.  Next topic…faith, hope, stewardship…what will it be?

God has been gently showing me that I have several more lessons to go.  It started with me realizing and embracing the fact that people are messy.  Next I realized, I can’t control anything or anyone, but myself.  Let’s be honest, that’s not always possible either.  Then I learned, everyone is working on something, even those who don’t call Jesus their Savior.

Recently, something happened in my life that rocked my world to its foundation. (Out of respect of those involved, I won’t share the intimate details.) Someone I love made a choice that turned their world upside down and as a result, my world was blown apart too.  My heart became collateral damage. I had to watch them walk the path of desolation back to hope and restoration.  I anticipated the consequences coming before they arrived.  I spoke of the choices they were making and the consequences that could come.  I spoke about how the consequences might be hard, long-lasting, and would change life forever.  But, my warnings went unheeded.

So, when the day came, my loved one was so ashamed, they did not approach me for help for almost twenty-four hours, because they thought I would stop loving them.  When I finally learned of their predicament, I was devastated. So, I began to just pray during the phone call.  I asked my Father how I should respond; not only to the news, but to the fears this person had about me not loving them anymore. As I prayed and the conversation continued, my Savior sent me very clear instructions…..


“Excuse me, Savior, did You say love them?”  “Yes, daughter, love them, pursue them, fill them to overflowing with love.  Remind them of My love and that MY love flows through you.”

Love them.

Then, love them some more.

Let everywhere they turn be filled with love.  Don’t chastise them or remind them of your warnings.  No “I told you so” conversations.  Just love them and then love them some more.

So, for once in my life, I listened the very first time, and I showed love, acceptance, grace and mercy.  At every opportunity, I sent loving messages, phone calls, notes and scripture references.  I reminded them that the Savior loved them, even at their worst, and by taking Jesus into their heart, things could be made new. He would make things right.  It might take some time, but I assured them that I would walk this path with them.

A beautiful thing occurred.  Love grew love.  Our relationship is deeper and has more abundant love.  The more love I poured out, the more it bonded us tighter together.  There are consequences to the choices made and those will be hard.  But, we are walking this road together and our load is lighter because we are filled to overflowing with love -for the Savior and for each other.

And they’ll know we are Christians by our love.

Dear Lord, Thank You for modeling Love.  Thank You for modeling Grace and Restoration.  Thank You for walking this path with me.  I’m so blessed.  Amen

Archive:  Originally posted on in December 2015

People Are Messy!

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation.

2 Corinthians 5:17-19 (NIV)

This is my first article since I took a break in May from writing. A LOT has happened in my life during that break! Some things I saw coming and others were a total surprise. My only daughter graduated high school and went off to college. I had to put one of my dogs down. My dad had some serious health issues and had to be hospitalized. I made the difficult decision to take a break from a very special relationship. All the while, I was still running my home, working a full time job, and continuing in my volunteer roles.

During this time of major change and struggles, I had to step back and reflect, and I realized people are messy! This world is messy! I am messy! My world is messy!

So, as I faced this new unknown I asked: Who am I? Whose am I? I was led to the passage of scripture above. I am an adopted child of the King of Kings. My Savior is my advocate. I am in Christ and therefore a new creation. The old is gone and the new is here! God doesn’t count my sins against me.

People are messy! The world is messy! What do I do with that? People don’t act the way I want them to or react the way I want them to. How do I react to this messiness?

If I am I being honest here, my reactions sometimes are anger and resentment, resulting in broken relationships. This isn’t the picture of a new creation. It’s a picture of I…me…mine…! That’s old and it does not have love in it, so Christ is not there.

No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us. This is how we know that we live in him and he in us: He has given us of his Spirit. And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world. If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in them and they in God. And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. This is how love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment: In this world we are like Jesus.
1 John 4:12-17 NIV

Scripture clearly states that we are to have love for the messy people of this world. We are to respond with love and in love. Love evaporates anger, resentment and repairs relationships. When we love, Christ is in us and people see the Savior, the One who made us a new creation.

I am a work in progress and this is the big area of my life that God is working on. It is very easy when people let us down or don’t react the way we want them to, to walk away and just move on. There is hurt for a time, but eventually you get out of the habit of having that person in your life. Jesus loves us when we are our messiest and that’s where He meets us. Can’t we try to meet others there too?

That’s what I’m working on…responding in love with the author of LOVE and then showing this messy world that Christ is in me. I don’t always hit the mark, but Christ always responds in love to my pleas for forgiveness and I start again. I encourage you to respond in love too!

Dear Lord, Thank You for forgiving me and meeting me where I am in my mess. Thank You for loving me in spite of my messiness and, Lord, please help me to remember how You deal with me when I encounter others in their messiness and may I respond with Your Love. Amen

Archive:  Originally posted on in September 2015

I Can’t Take It All In

I [Jesus] have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.  John 16:12 (KJV)

I have just returned from a mission trip to Guayama, Puerto Rico with the World Changers organization.  I spent a week there working with my hands to power wash, scrape, prime and paint an entire home with 10 other amazing Christians, most of whom are 18 years and younger (only 3 of us were adults).  I went with my daughter and our church youth group.  This trip was the first organized mission trip I have been on since I was a youth myself.  And it changed my life for the better.

I entered my third year on this grief journey in February 2014 and I was amazed at how many things on this trip to Puerto Rico that made me miss my husband, Bill.  As we took off in our airplane and ascended above the clouds, I was reminded of Heaven.  I wondered if Bill can see the tops of the clouds where he is and does he now know how clouds are made and how to fill some of them with raindrops?  Has he seen the beginning of a rainbow and has he seen the Lord’s breath as beautiful breezes are created for Earth?

When we touched down and saw the beautiful island of Puerto Rico and felt the heat of the tropical climate, I was reminded that Bill has never traveled to Puerto Rico and my heart was so full that I would experience another exciting trip without him to share in it.

As I spent the week, getting up at 5:30 am; dressing for working 9 hours at the work site (performing physical labor); coming home and showering in makeshift showers constructed in the parking lot of our host church; and worshiping with the other work crews; I was touched that Bill would have loved to have been a crew chief leading a team of teens on a project and would have relished the hours and hard work that was so difficult for me emotionally.  I missed him terribly.

Our crew’s first meeting was a sort of introduction to each other that started with the question, “Why are you here?”  My answer was that I had been on a journey for a long time and wanted to give back and spend a week working with my daughter away from everyday life.

On the second work day, one of my team members, Samantha, asked me to elaborate about the journey I alluded to and so I did.  We ended up crying together because Samantha (16 years old) volunteers for hospice in her home state of Michigan.  We bonded instantly and spent the next several days talking as we worked.

Then there was Luke, we spent hours scraping and painting and talking about Jesus and life.  Kevin, who is a local from Guayama, and his first language is Spanish.  During one of our daily lunchtime devotions; I watched as the Holy Spirit came over him and he spoke for several minutes in perfect English about salvation and sanctification.  I sense that in time he will become a Preacher and will share the Gospel to many.  Carlitos, another local teen (his father is the Pastor of our host church in Guayama), is a quiet, hard-working force to be reckoned with.  Melanie led our daily lunch devotionals.    Nate is a kind, hard worker who loves the Lord.  The Lord allowed me to be placed on the same crew with my daughter, Cristina,  and we spent a lot of time together.  Another teen from my church, Tyler, was on our crew, and I enjoyed getting to know him better.  There were two other adults, Kate and Edfren, on our crew and I loved working with them and getting to know them too.  It was a life-changing week!

I share all of this to tell you that had the Lord allowed me to see the picture of what I experienced this week without Bill before Bill went Home, I wouldn’t have been able to bear it.  If I had been given the opportunity to see into the future and see the trials I had to go through to get to these Blessings, I couldn’t have taken it all in and wouldn’t have been able to bear it.

Instead our wonderful Lord and Savior lovingly wraps His arms around us and just holds us and allows us to see one moment at a time.  He knows we cannot take it all in at once and He lovingly gives us as much as we can take and holds us until we are comfortable and then reveals more.

Looking back down the road to February 14, 2011; I see very clearly now how the trial of losing Bill prepared me to experience the life-changing Blessings that were revealed on this mission trip without him and each step on that road  was guided by my Savior and revealed to me as soon as I could bear it.

Dear Lord, You have lovingly made me and have held me in Your arms from the time I accepted You as my Savior.  Thank You for revealing Your plan for my life in a way that I can bear it and thank You for bearing it with me as I travel this road.  Amen

Archive:  Originally posted on in July 2014

We Are More Than Conquerors!

with Cristina DiMascio

“In all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.  For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” ~Romans 8:37-39

My Pastor sent me a question as Mother’s Day approached.  His question was, “What makes you feel defeated as a mother?”  I had never thought so pointedly about this question.  But now I was.  The answer: I felt defeated when my sweet daughter experienced heart-exploding pain when her step-dad passed away.  The man who filled the “daddy” spot in her heart for years was now gone.

Recently, I was cleaning out a storage bin used to put all of my daughter’s school work in.  She is 17, so it was filled to overflowing, as you can imagine, and not everything was museum-worthy.  My daughter, Cristina, was 14 when my husband passed away.  He had been sick for over four years at that point.  I found a beautiful story she had written when she was probably 12 or 13 years old called, “The Miracle”.

People always thought Cristina was my husband’s biological child, not his stepdaughter.  He loved her wholly as though she had his blood running through her veins.  He was her father, daddy, papa; she just spelled those sentiments:  B-I-L-L.  They had so much fun together and he was a strict disciplinarian, in love, with her too.

My daughter has been very quiet since Bill’s death.  She doesn’t want to talk about it to anyone.  It has just been in the last year that she will even remember fun times out loud with others, even me.  She seems to be doing OK – everyone handles this grief journey differently.

As I read through her story, my heart felt the defeated feeling I feel whenever I realize I can’t shield her from pain in this life.  I can only point her to the Comforter and Healer in Christ as her Savior.

Here is her story – written in her words with no changes (when she was about 11 or 12):

The Miracle

By Cristina DiMascio

Once upon a time, there was a family – a mom, a stepdad, a girl, a dog, another dog, and a cat.  The stepdad got sick.  At first, the family thought it was mild, but then it got worse.  The family took the stepdad to the doctor, then the hospital, where they waited for hours.  The next 2 days were bad and the stepdad got worse.  The family took the stepdad to the hospital again, where he got lots of visitors.  Also, he stayed there for 3 days.  For the next few days, the stepdad got worse and worse and every day the mom went up to see him.  Then one day, when the doctors thought they could do nothing , the girl prayed her hardest (harder than she ever had before).  The doctors came in a few hours later to check the machines and they were great.  They told the mom and girl that he could go home the next day.  They were a happy family again.  THE END

This was an actual account of one of my husband’s many hospital visits.  As I sat reading this again, three years after the death of my husband, I was struck by the childlike faith that oozed from the page.  She loved her stepdad and prayed harder than she ever had before and he was healed.  This was true for the short term, but his disease would progress and viciously steal his earthly life from him.

I felt defeated as a mom as I read this.  This story had a happy ending, joy because he could go home the next day, healed and “they were a happy family again”.  Why couldn’t I give her this ending forever, or at least until her stepdad had reached old age and they had made many more memories together?

Christ came alongside me as my thoughts were in this dark place to remind me He heard her prayer.  She wanted her stepdad to be healed and strong and no longer ill.  Christ gave her the desires of her heart.  Because of our short-sightedness, we assumed healing meant something else.   Don’t misunderstand me, Christ is fully capable of permanent earthly healing and could have performed that kind of miracle in this case.  But instead, Christ wanted us to grow our childish faith into a more mature Christian faith and in order to do that, He needed Bill in Heaven and us, as close to Him as possible.

We have the wonderful assurance of a home in Heaven.  We know that we will see Bill again and it will be a grand reunion for all of us.  Cristina has a compassion that she would never have known had she not experienced this grief.  She wants to be a physician’s assistant in Oncology, helping others go through what she has gone through and give them hope.  God shines brightly in her.

So, I am not defeated. In Christ, I am a victor and I have, through Christ as my Savior, won the victory.  A miracle has occurred.  In our brokenness, Christ has ministered to many.  May His light continue to shine brightly in us.

Dear Lord, My heart hurts when I think about the pain my child has experienced in the loss of her stepdad.  I feel defeated.  I thank You, Lord, for helping me to remember that you have already won the victory and that I just must trust in You and defeat goes away and victory is in its place.  Amen

Archive:  Originally posted on in May 2014