Great Plans


For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.  Jeremiah 29:11 KJV

Christians quote this verse a lot.  It is a “go to” verse for us; used in many situations.  It wasn’t until a few months ago that God washed the intention of this verse over me anew.

Practically all of my adult life, my road has been the “hard road”; many times due to my willful choices.  My first marriage (which ended in divorce) ended because my husband just didn’t love me… actually he didn’t love God so it was impossible for him to love me or even himself.  So, with a three year old to care for, I became a single mom.  For five years I was a single mom and during that time I was introduced to my second husband, Bill.  He loved me sacrificially.  We were married in 2006 and for six months were blissfully in love.  Then Bill got sick and for the next four years, I learned about sacrificial love and God allowed me the honor of loving Bill as he walked Home.  Bill died on Valentine’s Day.  I was a single mom again, and it was so hard!  I had counted on growing old with Bill; making a ton of memories and growing our testimonies together.  We had so many plans that were cut short.  It was very hard to accept that God did not have the same plans that we did…that I did.  It took me some time to work on my heart and allow God to minister to me and show me that His plans are always good.

As I walked out of the dark shadows of grief, I realized that the only way was to lean on Christ.  So, I forced myself to read the scriptures, combing them for promises and clinging to those.  I wrote down the addresses of each promise so I could refer to them often.  Of course, Jeremiah 29:11 was at the top of the list.

I would tell myself in my deepest moments of grief that the Lord has thoughts of peace toward me to give me (Sherry) an expected end.  Peace wasn’t what I was feeling; but I continued to cling to that promise.

In recent weeks, I have begun to see what the Lord has planned for me at this point in my journey- thoughts of peace.  He is lovingly preparing me to receive a blessing.  If I had received it three and half years ago, or even six months ago, I wouldn’t have been able to handle it or appreciate it or know what to do with it.  He has allowed me to grieve and lean on Him as he prepared a blessing for me designed to meet my needs where I am on the road right now.  It brings me peace.  It brings me closer to Him.

Had I not travelled this road – allowing time for stopping along the way and sitting down to deal with the vantage point at that spot in the road and then standing up and walking a little further – I would have missed all of the healing that I have been honored to have.  I have met fellow travelers along the way who have strengthened me, sharpened me, imparted wisdom to me and held me.  I am better for having travelled this road.  I have peace.  The Lord has given me a new mission and my heart bursts at the honor of being entrusted with another job assignment from God Almighty.

So, my dear sisters, wherever you are on this road, please know that the Lord has thoughts of peace toward you.  If you are walking or sitting; be open to His calling and know He has great plans for you.  While you wouldn’t choose this journey and there are a lot of moments of darkness and loneliness; there are wonderful moments where you actually feel the Hand of God on you.  There are wonderful brothers and sisters in Christ who you are Blessed to meet along the way that change your life in ways you could not have imagined.

I find myself going to the Throne Room in prayer with a small little bucket and asking God to pour His Blessings on me.  God just smiles at me most days and says, “Sherry, I’ll wait while you go back and get a bigger bucket.  I’ve got big plans for you, my sweet daughter, and that small bucket you brought won’t hold them.”  My mind can’t comprehend the love He has towards me.  It is only when I lean back into His arms that I realize the Blessings are coming, and then the peace comes.

Stay on this road, sweet sisters. Take time and stop to rest when you need to, but continue the journey.  God has great plans for you and they include peace.

Dear Lord,   Thank you for your promises in scripture.  Thank you for loving me.  Thank you for peace.  Amen

Archive:  Originally posted on in September 2014