She Has Done What She Could

She has done what she could … And I tell you this in solemn truth, that wherever the Good News is preached throughout the world, this woman’s deed will be remembered and praised.”

Mark 14:8-9 TLB

This scripture verse was one that I read from my oceanfront villa patio while recently on vacation.  As I sat there in my luxurious surroundings, I thought about how the woman talked about in this verse made Jesus a priority over everything.  She used precious ointment, or oil, that was worth a lot of money and she used her own hair to wipe the extra off Jesus’ feet.  That is someone who was all in and someone who knew who Jesus was, made Him a priority and showed with her actions that He was important to her, despite her actions being questioned.  Jesus remarked that her actions would be spoken of as a memorial to her.  Here it is thousands of years later and I am thinking about her.

What kind of memorial am I to Him and to the world?  What mark am I making?  Do people see Jesus in me?  Do my actions show that Jesus is a priority to me?  That He is in my life?

Every day, I wake up trying and I believe Jesus knows that about me. I start my day taking in His Word and meditating about what He wants me to get from His Word.  I work on showing people love, grace and mercy throughout the day.  I try to not react harshly when people wrong me or mess up and my life is affected by the mess.  I  honor the trust and love in my relationships and show love when things don’t go my way or I’m hurt.  I try to pray for those that wrong me and show love to them.  I walk away from relationships that don’t glorify God in a loving way and not leave burning trails in my wake.

If you read this whole section of scripture (Mark 14:3-9), Jesus knew where this woman’s heart was and he commended her and told those who questioned her actions that she would be remembered and praised.  I want to be remembered like that.  I want Jesus to say, “Sherry has done what she could.  Wherever the Good News is preached throughout the world, Sherry’s deeds will be remembered and praised.”

I am comforted by those verses – she did what she could…and will be remembered and praised.  My Savior knows my heart and, even when I mess up, He still knows my heart.  I just have to take the next right step and follow my Savior’s lead.  No matter the criticism and questions.  Do what I can do and let the Savior take care of the rest.   Put the Savior first in everything and when I make a mess, put my whole self into it to make it right and glorify God in the process.

It might take getting your hair oily, but in the end, to hear your Savior say, “you did all you could do – may you be remembered and praised.”  That will be amazing!

Dear Lord,  Thank you for showing in Your Word what we should hold important and what You would like from us.  And that all that we do in Your name will be remembered and praised in Your Name.  Amen

Archive:  Originally posted on in March 2016